1. Which of the following is a pseudocereals  ?
         a) wheat  b) Rice   c) Buck wheat   d) Pisum sativum

    2. Sympetric speciation is due to :
        a) migration  b) geographical isolation  c) reproductive isolation   d) isolation

    3. Carrying capacity of a population is determined by its :
         a) population growth rate   b) birth rate  c) death rate   d) limiting resources

    4. A test cross distinguished between :
        a) two homozygous forms  b) a homozygus dominant and heterozygus form  c) a homozygus recessive
         and heterozygous form     d) two heterozygous form

    5. Ovule is inverted with body fused to funicle micropyle lying close to hilum and facing the placenta it is   :
         a) hemitropous   b) orthotropous   c) anatropous     d) campylotropous

    6. Succession is :
        a) gradual convergent directional and continuous process  b) series of biotic communities that appear
         gradually in a baren area   c) orderly process of community change till stability d) all of these

     7. The major excretory product of arthropods are :
          a) ammonia   b) urea   c) uric acid    d) trimethylammine oxide

    8. The famous book '' origin of species '' was written by Charles Darwin in :
        a) 1809  b) 1859    c) 1885   d) 1871

    9. In man the sperms are stored and nourished in :
       a) testes   b) vasa effertia   c) epididymis    d) spermatic cord

    10. Hyaluronic acid is hetero polysaccaride and has acetyl glucosamine + glucoronic acid . It is cementing
          material and found in :
          a) ovum and synovial fluid  b) vitreous humour    c) cerebrospinal fluid   d) all of the above

    11. Mammals having traits of both reptiles and mammals are :
          a) monotremes   b) marsupials    c) whales    d) bats

    12. The cranial capacity of Australopithecus was about 500 cc. It existed in :
          a) miocene   b) pliocene    c) pilestocene    d) both b and  c

    13.  Hormones differ from enzymes in that they are :
          a) found only in animals   b) found only in plants   c) not used up at all in metabolism
          d) used up in metabolism

    14. If 5% is strength of linkage between two genes then they are 5 map units a part on same chromosomes :
          a) it is false   b) it is true  c) only a is correct  d) only b is correct

    15. Which one of the following belong to the same category  :
          a) Cashewnut , coconut , chestnut  b) coconut , orange , tomato c) Betelnut ,chestnut , coconut
          d) Mango , almond , coconut

    16. Which cycle is directly driven by solar radiations  :
           a) phosphorus   b) carbon   c) water   d) nitrogen

    17. During elongation of polypeptide chain the sigma factor :
          a) is released to take part again  b) is retained and performs special function c) its function is not known
          d) is used during the closing chain

    18. The leghaemoglobin which imparts pink-red colour to the root nodules is located in :
          a) the wall of bacteria   b) the wall of host cell c) the cytoplasm of host cell d) in between bacteroids
           and surrounding

    19. The conservation of germplasm of reduced species . 'The need of time ' at lower temperature called :
           a) cryopreservation  b) chemical preservation c) cryoprotection    d) cooling

    20. Which one of the following organisms is considered to have remained practically unchanged for 300
          million of years ?
           a) Human   b) HIV virus    c) Cockroaches    d) Progenotes

    21. Carbonic anhydrase is found in :
          a) leucocytes   b) lymphocytes  c) blood plasma  d) erythrocytes

    22. A pathogen which can not be cultured on artificial medium is :
          a) bacterium    b) protozoans   c) virus    d) fungus

    23. Besides giving out vesicles Golgi bidies  are concerned with :
          a) Plastids   b) lysosomes  c) grana    d) cell plate

    24. The principle agent of alcoholic fermentation and bread making is  :
           a) Schizosaccharomyces octoporus   b) Saccharomyces   cerevisae   c) Saccharomyces ellipsiodeus
           d) None of the above

    25. In formation his theory of evolution , Darwin was influenced by :
          a) Lamarck's acquired characters inheritance b) Hugo de Vries mutation theory
          c) Malthus essay on population  d) Weismann's thoery of continuity of germplasm

    26. The IV , V and IX cranial nerves are :
          a) olfactory, spinal accessory and vagus   b) trigeminal, vagus and glossopharyngeal
          c) oculomotor , trigeminal and hypoglossal d) pathetic(trochlear ) trigeminal and glossopharyngeal

    27. Tubulin protein occur in :
          a) Enzymes of Kreb's cycle   b) R.E.R  c)microtubules    d) microfilaments

    28. Vaccines prepared by genetic engineering are safe to man because they are :
           a) least active form of virus  b) active form of virus  c) coat protein formed as antibody
           d) all of the above

    29. The carbon dioxide acceptor in C3 plants is :
          a) Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP ) b) Ribulose 1 , 5 diphosphate (RuDP) c) Phosphoglyceric acid
          b) Ribulose mono phosphate (RuMP)

    30. Which of the following translated completely ?
           a) AUG , UGA , UUA , AAG , AAA  b) AUG , AUA , UUG ,CCC , UGA
           c) AGU , UGC , AGA , CUC , UAA d) AUG , UAC , AGU , AAC , UAG
           a) 1 and 2  b) 2 and 4  c) 1 and 4   d) 2 and 3

    31.  Electroencephalogram used for brain . The wave occur in emotional stress is  :
           a) low frequency alpha wave    b) low frequency theta  c) low frequency delta
           d) high frequency beta waves

    32. It is not possible to create life because :
          a) we cannot match creativity and intelligence of God b) nature of molecular organisation is complex and
          not fully known c) all mode of life are not fully known  d) most of modes are known except a few

    33. Golgi complex is specialised for :
          a) energy transduction  b) glycosidation of lipids   c) digestion  d) conversion of energy

    34. A Lichen responsible for forest fire is :
          a) Lecanora  b) Usnea  c) Cladonia   d) Ramalina

    35. Reappearance of certain ancestral characters is called :
         a) anabolism   b) catabolism  c) atavism  d) metabolism

    36. Brain develops from which of the following layer ?
          a) Ectoderm  b) Endoderm   c) Mesoderm   d) both  a and b

    37.  Para sexual hybridization is :
           a) when two somatic cells hybridize b) when two gametic cells hybridize c) When one somatic and one
           gametic cells hybridize   d) none of the above

    38. Opiates are :
           a) morphine , codeine and heroin b) morphine , codeine , heroin , pethidine c) morphine , codeine ,
           heroin  , pethidine and methadone  d) morphine , codeine, heroin and methadone

    39. Wauchereria bancrofti is transmitted by :
           a) sandfly   b) tse - tse fly  c) Anopheles mosquito  d) Culex mosquito

    40. Which organ of the body acts as filter of blood ?
          a) Bone marrow   b) Liver  c) Lymph glands  d) Spleen

    41. Honey has three sugars , they are  :
          a) glucose , fructose , lactose b) glucose , galactose , insulin c) dextrose , laevulose  and maltose
          d) dextrose , lactose and ribose

    42. The clitellium of earthworm is for  :
          a) reproduction b) helping in respiration c) helping in locomotion d) forming a wall of cocoon

    43. Characteristic which was not in the direction of evolution of man is :
           a) binocular vision b)brow bridge  c) shortening of jaws d) prehensile tail

    44. Ageing is characterised by :
         a) decline in metabolic activity  b) increased metabolic activity   c) increased anabolism
         d) increased catabolism

    45.  Which species of paramecium contains three nuclei ?
           a) P. caudatun  b) P. polycarpum c) P. multimicro-nucleatum   d) P. aurelia

                                                   BEST OF LUCK


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