Biology is scoring subject , you can score good marks in Biology provided that all topics are properly nurtured by you . Biology can boost your rank in the medical entrance examination as because maximum topics you can memorize by your own . Take special care about concept based questions . Practice more and more number of MCQ to make your preparation perfect .
1. which of the following is a transparent tissue ?
a) Tendon b) Fibrous cartilage c) Hyaline cartilage d) All of these
2. Rh factor is present in
a) all vertebrates b) all mammals c) all reptiles d) Man and rhesus monkey only
3. In rabbit end of a long bone is connected in another by :
a) tendon b) ligaments c) muscle d) cartilage
4. Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges ?
a) Thesocytes b) Pinacocytes c) Cnidocytes d) Archaeocytes
5. During emergency which of the following hormone is secreted ?
a) Aldosterone b) Thyroxine c) Adrenalin d) Calcitonin
6. In Pheretima , septa are absent between which segments :
a) 3 /4 and 9 /10 b) 4 /5 and 8/9 c) 5/6 and 7 / 8 d) 7/8 and 6 / 7
7. Thigmotaxis is not shown by :
a) Paramecium b) Amoeba c) Ascaris d) Hydra
8. Which of the following is the largest gland in adult man ?
a) Thymus b) Liver c) Thyroid d) Pancreas
9. The trisomy for 21st chromosome is called :
a) Down's syndrome b) Turner's syndrome c) Sickle cell anaemia d) Klinefelter's syndrome
10. In cockroach , larval and nymphal characters are maintained by :
a) ecdysone b) salivary glands c) partoid gland d) juvenile gland
11. In Mollusca , eye is present over a stalk , called :
a) ostracum b) operculum c) ommatophores d) osphradium
12. Turbellarians are free living :
a) nematodes b) cestodes c) flat worms d) trematodes
13. Polp phase is absent in :
a) Hydra b) Aurelia c) Physalia d) Obelia
14. LH and FSH are collectively called :
a) oxytocin b) somatotropins c) luteotropic d) gonadotropins
15. Which of the following is not vestigial in man ?
a) Tail vertebrae b) Nails c) Nictitating membrane d) Vermiform appendix
16. Animals having a built in thermostat to maintain constant body temperature are known as :
a) biothermic b) poikilothermic c) oligothermic d) homeothermic
17. Which one is component of Ornithine cycle ?
a) Ornithine , citrulline and alanine b) Ornithrine , citrulline and arginine
c) Amino acid are not used d) Ornithrine , citrulline and fumaric acid
18. Animals undergoes inactive stage during winter is known as
a) aestivation b) hibernation c) adaptation d) acclimatization
19. Contractile vacuole in protozoan Amoeba is meant for :
a) respiration b) excretion c) locomotion d) osmoregulation
20. The embryo at 16 celled stage is known as :
a) morula b) gastrula c) blastula d) blastomere
21. The female genital pore of Pheretima posthuma located upon the segment:
a) 14th b) 16th c) 18th d) 15th
22. The group of Anamniota includes :
a) reptiles and birds b) birds and mammals c) fishes and amphibians
d) reptiles and mammals
23. Small fish get struck near the bottom of a shark and derives the nutrition from it . This kind of
association is called as :
a) antibiosis b) commensalism c) predation d) parasitism
24. Biological concept of species is mainly based on :
a) reproductive isolation b) morphological features only c) methods of reproduction only
d) morphology and methods of reproduction
25. A eukaryotic gene contains two kinds of base sequences . Which of these plays an important role
in protein synthesis ?
a) Introns b) Exons c) Both A and B d) None of these
26. Most accepted theory for ascent of sap is :
a) capillarity theory b) root pressure theory c) pulsation theory d) transpiration pull
27. Which of the following theory gives the latest explanation for closure of stomata ?
a) ABA theory b) Munch theory c) Starch glucose theory d) Active K+ transport theory
28. Duramen is present in :
a) inner region of secondary wood b) part of sap wood c) outer region of secondary wood
d) region of pericycle
29. L-shaped chromosomes are also called :
a) acrocentric b) telocentric c) sub - metacentric d) None of these
30. Induction of flowering by low temperature treatment is :
a) vernalization b) cryobiology c) photoperiodism d) prunning
31. In which of the following haemocyanin pigment is found ?
a) lower vertebrates b) Echinodermata c) Insecta d) Annelida
32. Which of the following cells in earthworm play arole similar to liver in vertebrates ?
a) Amoebocytes b) Mucocytes c) Chloragogen cells d) Epidermal cells
33. Soil salinity is measured by :
a) Porometer b) Calorimeter c) Conductivity meter d) Potometer
34. Which of the following species are restricted to an area ?
a) Sympatric species b) sibling species c) Allotropic species d) Endemic species
35. Which set is similar ?
a) Corpus luteum ---- Graffian follicles b) Sebum --- Sweat c) Vitamin B7 ---- Niacin
d) Bundle of His ---- Pacemaker
36. Biolistic techniques is used in :
a) gene transfer process b) tissue culture process c) hybridisation process
d) germplasm conservation process
37. The largest gene in man is :
a) insulin gene b) tumour supressor gene c) beta globin gene of haemoglobin d) dystrophin
38. Herbicide resistant gene in plant is :
a) Mt b) Gt c) Ct d) Bt
39. Pellagra is caused by deficiency of vitamins :
a) B5 b) B2 c) B6 d) B1
40. Notochord originates from :
a) mesoderm b) ectoderm c) endoderm d) None of these
41. Partenogenesis is a term of :
a) budding b) asexual reproduction c) sexual reproduction d) regeneration
42. The thermoblastic enzymes , Taq and Pfu , isolated from thermophilic bacteria are :
a) RNA polymerases b) DNA ligases c) DNA polymerases d) restriction endonucleases
43. The effect of cigaratte smoking and radon in combination on ling is :
a) fatal b) synergistic c) mutualistic d) antagonistic
44. Which is substitution of mitochondria in E. Coli ?
a) Golgi body b) Mesosome c) Ribosome d) Glyoxysomes
45. Animal cell differ from plant cell in possessing :
a) Vacuoles b) Centrosomes c) Pastids d) Mitochondria
46. Pebrine is a disease of :
a) Fish b) Honey bee c) Silk worm d) lac insect
47. factor governing the earth surface is :
a) topographic b) edaphic c) temperature d) biotic
48. The structures present in the roots to absorb water and minerals is :
a) epidermal extensions b) hypodermis c) endodermis d) epidermal appendages
49. Angular collenchyma occurs in :
a) Salvia b) Helianthus c) Althaea d) Cucurbita
50. Hormone inducting fruit ripening is :
a) cytokinin b) ethylene c) abscissic acid d) gibberellic acid
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