1. Study of pollen grain is called :
a) spermology b) anatomy c) palynology d) aerobiology
2. The major source of pollution upto 80% of total air pollution in metropolitan cities is :
a) automobiles (traffic) b) industries c) pesticides d) radioactivity and noise
3. ultimate source of variations is :
a) natural selection b) sexual reproduction c) mutations d) hormonal actions
4. Which of the folowing statement is correct ?
a) Xylem is made of all living cells b) Xylem is made of living and nonliving cells
c) Xylem is made of nonliving cells d) xylem doesnot contain cells
5. The boundary/ transition between two or more communities sharply defined is called :
a) epilimnion b) biome c) anticline d) ectone
6. Unit of distance between genes in a chromosomes sharply defined as :
a) C -DNA b) Morgan c) Centimorgan d) Spacer
7. Age of the plant can be calculated by :
a) measuring its height b) counting leaf bases c) counting annual rings d) all of the above
8. In detritus food chain transfer of food is :
a) detrite (dead organic matter ) -----> detrivores ---> decomposers
b) detrite ----> microbes ---> detrivores ---> decomposers
c) detrivores ---> organic matter ---> microbes ---> decomposers
d) grass ----> detrivores --->decomposers
9. Criss cross heritance means :
a) X chromosomes from male will pass to a male of next generation
b) X chromosomes from a male will pass to a female of next generation
c) X chromosomes from female will pass to female of next generation
d) none of the above
10. The inernational unit used in biology to measure size of objects is :
a) micrometer b) nanometer c) Angstrom d) all are used
11. Out of 1.7 million species of living organisms known to us , insects contributes to about :
a) 0.7 million b) 70000 c) 7 lakh d) one lakh
12. Primitive earth had :
a) reducing atmosphere (without free oxygen ) b) oxidizing atmosphere ( free oxygen )
c) both a and b d) none of the above
13. The white fibres are resistant to streaching and formed of a substance the protein collagen , which on
boiling with water yields ?
a) Gelatin b) Elastin c) Ossein d) Chondrin
14. Which one of the following is not used in production of yoghurt ?
a) Streptococcus lactis b) S. thermophilus c) Lactobacilus bulgaricus d) Acetobacter aceti
15. Viagra is an anti impotent drug . Its chemical salt is :
a) Sildenafil citrate b) nitrous oxide c) nitroglycerine d) digitoxyline
16. Pyrenoids are centre of :
a) fat storage b) starch storage c) protein storage d) enzyme formation
17. Damping off of seedling ' is due to :
a) Nematode b) Albugo candida c) Fusarium oxysporium d) Pythium debaryanum
18. Which one is not a vestigial organ of man ?
a) Nicitating membrane b) Epiglottis or ileum c) Vermiform appendix d) Muscles or ear pinnae
19. Reason , will , memory , intelligence and emotions are governed by :
a) cerebellum b) mid brain c) medulla oblongata d) cerebral hemisphere
20. Glucoronic acid , galacturonic acids are found as chief components of :
a) lignin b) pectin c) suberin d) glucose
21. The drugs which do not develop physiological dependence are :
a) opiates b) sedatives c) stimulants d) hallucinogens
22. In Ascaris eggs are fertilized in the :
a) vagina b) oviducts c) lower parts of uteri d) seminal vesicles
23. Cohesion force theory was proposed by :
a) J.C.Bose b) Dixon and Jolly(1950 ) c) Benson and Calvin d) Dixon and Jolly (1894 )
24. The cell cultured in vitro gives rise to complete plant. this ability of plant cell is known as :
a) growth b) development c) regeneration d) totipotency
25. Living fossils means :
a) primitive organised organisms b) extinct organisms c) organisms with ancestral characters and
time has not changed them d) connecting link between two groups
26. Biggest source of energy on earth surface is :
a) coal b) tides c) atoms d) solar radiation
27. The process of photosynthesis is :
a) reductive, exergonic and catabolic b) reductive , endergonic and catabolic
c) reductive, exergonic and anabolic d) reductive, endergonic and anabolic
28. Which is correct sequence of code transfer involved in the formation of polypeptide ?
a) DNA -- t-RNA -- r-RNA --m-RNA b) t-RNA -- DNA --m-RNA -- r-RNA
c)m-RNA -- t-RNA -- DNA -- amino acid d) DNA-- m-RNA -- t-RNA -- amino acid
29. Cancer is the 'Bank of life ' which of the following tumor form is non cancerous ?
a) Benign tumor b) Malignant tumor c) Carcinogens d) All of the above
30. Two mating types of a variety of Paramecium are :
a) morphologically different and physiologicallty similar
b) morphologically similar and physiologically different
c) physiologically similar d) physiologically different
31. Correct sequence among the following :
a) Palaeozoic ---> Mesozoic ---> Coenozoic b) Mesozoic --> Archaeozoic --> Proterozoic
c) Palaeozoic --> Archaeozoic --> Coenozoic d) Archaeozoic --> Palaeozoic --> Proterozoic
32. The epithelial cells lining the stomach of vertebrates is protected from damage by HCl because :
a) HCl is too dilute b) the epithelial cells are resistent to the action of HCl c) HCl is neutralized
by alkaline gastric juice d) the epithelial cells are covered with a mucous secretion
33. In situ conservation of genetic diversity is done in the form of :
a) national parks b) biosphere reserves c) wildlife sanctuaries d) all of the above
34.Hugo de Vries proposed his theory of mutation by working on the plant :
a) Pisum sativum b) Oenothera lamarckiana c) Lathyrus odoratus d) althaea roses
35. The rate of heart beat per minute is highest in the case of :
a) elephant b) whale c) man d) mouse
36. Sulphur containing amino acids are :
a) valine , lysine and cystine b) tryptophan , glutamic acid and aspartic acid c) Cetrulline, methionine
and glumeric acid d) Cysteine , cystine and metheonine
37. Tropocytes , mycetocytes , oenocytes and urate cells are found in the fat body of cockroach. Which
statement is correct :
a) Trophocytes contain reserve food b) Mycetocytes contain symbiotic bacteria c) Oenocytes sex wax
and urate cells contain uric acid d) all of the above
38. Homo sapiens sapiens evolved from Cro-magnon man , about 10 thousand :
a) Caspean sea in central Asia b) Arabian sea c) China sea d) Tasman sea
39. Auxetic growth is :
a) increase in cell volume only b) increase in cell number only c) increase in fatty tissue
d) increase in intercellular material
40. Undecomposed organic matter in soil is called :
a) litter b) humus c) mull d) duft
41. Permanent , stable, large, congenital, unpredictable variations are called :
a) discontinuous variation by Baetson b) sports by Darwin c) mutations by de Vries
d) all of the above
42. Meristematic cells are :
a) thin walled, less protoplasmic, isodiametric and nucleated b) thin walled, densaly protoplasmic ,
isodiametric and nucleated c) thick walled , less protoplasmic,isodiametric and nucleated d) thick
walled , densaly protoplasmic, isodiametric and non nucleated
43. Biotic potential refers to :
a) natural increase of population under optimum condition
b) potential of organisms in a biome c) number of organisms in a biome
d) number of organisms in a population
44. Fusion of two vegetative nuclei represents the phenomenon of :
a) parasexual reproduction b) partheno apogamy c) apogamy d) apospory
45. Desert biomes do not support vegetation because they lack :
a) favourable temperature b) sufficient light c) sufficient water d) sufficient nutrients
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