Biology MCQ to check your preparation for medical entrance examination, here all together 90 question given . You try your level best to attempt all the questions it will give you a clear idea about your strength and weakness . While attempting to answer this questions try to maintain time schedule for each question.
You must attempt all 90 questions .
1. Genetic drift is the elimination of :
a) individuals b) chromosomes c) species d) gene of some original characteristic of a species due
to epidemics
2. Iron free compound of haemoglobin is :
a) globin b) haematin c) bilirubin d) haemotoxin
3. Most of the extra ordinary properties of water are caused by the ..... of its molecules :
a) polarity b) H- bonds c) covalent bonds d) greater density
4. Some times immune system of body start behaving agaist the own body or self this lead to :
a) autoimmune disease b) bacterial disease c) viral disease d) hereditary disease
5. Which one is the most important characteristic feature of birds ?
a) Forelimbs modified into wings b) Bipedal vertebrate c)Homoio thermal d) Exoskeleton of feathers
6. Inorganic evolution means :
a) formation of molecules b) formation of cells c) evolution of new species d) same as organic
7. If parathyroid gland degenerates which activity is disturbed ?
a) growth b) Calcium concentration c) potassium concentration d) sodium concentration
8. Concentration of trophic materials increase at each trophic level of food chain, it is called :
a)bio-toxification b) bio magnification c) biological concentration d) both b and c
9. Diagrammatic representation of all chromosomes at metaphase is called :
a) idiogram b) cardiogram c) karyotype d) leotype
10. The enzyme that catalyses carbon dioxide fixation in C 4 plant is :
a) RuBP carboxylase b) PEP carboxylase c) carbonic anhydrase d) carboxy dismutase
11. The blood flow through human heart visualised by :
a) megnatic rsonence imaging b) DSA c) sonography d) both b and c
12. Which one is called blue print of information ?
a) DNA B) m-RNA c) brain d) Cerebellum
13. When was the department of non-conventional energy sources established ?
a) 1975 b) 1980 c) 1988 d) 1982
14. The first step of photosynthesis is :
a) joining of 3 carbon atom to form glucose b) formation of ATP c) ionisation of water
d) excitement of an electron of chlorophyll by photon of light
15. According to Haeckel's biogenetic law :
a) development of individual metazoa shows embryonic characters of ancestors
b) ontogeny repeats phylogeny c) germplasm is immortal
d) every organism is produced by its parents
16. Inter - phalangial joints are also called as :
a) fixed joints b) hinge joints c) movable joints d) straight joints
17. Pesticides ingredient which killed 2500 people in Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 is :
a) mustard gas b) DDT c) methyl isocyanide d) carbon tetrachloride
18. Nucleosome gives beadeel appearence to chromosomes. They help in packing of DNA in the
chromosomes . A nucleosome has :
a) about two turns of DNA b) 8 histone molecules(2 molecules each of H2A , H2B , H3 and H4 )
c) 166 nitrogen base pair d) all of the above
19. Ascaris protects itself from effect of digestive enzymes of the host by means of :
a) antienzymes b) cuticle c) both a and b d) mucus
20. Fertility of soil is measured by its ability to :
a) hold water b) to retain nutrients c) to hold organic matter d) to support life
21. In Solanaceae the ovary is obliquely placed . It is because :
a) posterior and anterior carpels move to left
b) posterior carpels turns to left and anterior carpel to right
c) posterior and anterior carpels turn at 180*
d) posterior carpels turn to right and anterior to the left
22. population I and II are growing in the same habitat and are morphologically similar but these are inter
sterile. In term of biological concept of species they may be considered as :
a) one species b) two distinct species c) two sibling species d) none of the above
23. Selection will not eliminate lethal recessive gene from a large population because :
a) there are always some heterozygotes carriers of the alleles
b) gene fixation occurs in populations c) heterozygotes are at a selective advantage
d) rate of mutation to the lethal allele is high
24. Formation and differentiation of pollen grains in anther is called :
a) megasporogenesis b) microsporogenesis c) spermiogenesis d) double fertilization
25. Diversity in tropical rain forest is maximum. Which statement is correct ?
a) They have 70 -- 80 % of all insects and 200 species of trees
b) 85% of all birds found here
c) They occupy one twelfth of total land but have more then half of the flora and fauna of the world
d) all are correct
26. Apparato reticulate interno ( internal reticular apparatus ) is :
a) ER b) Golgi bodies c) microtubules d) micro filaments
27. What is unique in the cell wall of fungi ?
a) Muramic acid b) Acetyl glucosamine c) Cellulose d) Diaminopimelic acid
28. For a process to occur spontaneously the system free energy of chemical potential of the system :
a) must decrease b) must increase c) must remain stable d) none of the above
29. Which set includes all homologous organs ?
a) Hind legs of Dogs , Duck and Kangaroo b) Wings of Bat, Butterflies and Birds
c) sting of Honey bee , Scorpion and Mosquito d) Tail of rat, peacock and Earth worm
30.Elaters help in dispersal of spores of :
a) Riccia b) Marchantia c) Dryopteris d) Funaria
31. The nature of megasporophyll of Cycas is similar to :
a) Stamen b) Carpel c) Sepal d) Petal
32. Which of the following types of anther is found in Malvaceae ?
a) Monothecous b) Dithecous c) Polythecous d) Without thecous
33. Which of the following helps in respiration of Lichens ?
a) Isidia b) Soredia c) Cyphella d) Cephalodia
34. Green mufler is useful against :
a) air pollution b) noise pollution c) soil pollution d) radioactive pollution
35. Passage cells are found in :
a) endodermis b) pericycle c) cortex d) epiblemma
36. Which of the following organelle is related with photorespiration :
a) Peroxisome b) Chloroplast c) Mitochondria d) Lysosome
37. Proteins are :
a) polysaccarides b) polyamides c) polynucleotides d) polyglycol
38. Wobble hypothesis was given by :
a) F.H.C. Crick b) Nirenberg c) Holley d) Khorana
39. Fascicular cambium is the cambium of vascular bundle of :
a) monocot stem b) dicot stem c) monocot leaf d) dicot leaf
40. Mesophyll is usually differentiated in :
a) monocot leaf b) isobilateral leaf c) dorsiventral leaf d) both a and b
41. Chromosomes are best observed at metaphase . For studying the shape , best stage is :
a) metaphase b) anaphase c) telophase d) late prophase
42. International Centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology established at :
a) New Delhi b) America c) Italy d) Both a and c
43. Which of the following cells have lost their capacity to divided in order to get specialized ?
a) Muscle cells and nerve cells b) Bone marrow cells and liver cells
c) Kidney and intestinal cells d) Retinal cells
44. Which stages of plasmodium are likely to be found in the stomach of a female Anopheles. Which has just
taken a blood meal from a patient of malaria ?
a) Merozoites , trophozoites and gametocytes b) Sporozoites , trophozoites and gametes
c) Merozoites , gametocytes and zygotes d) Gametocytes , ookinetes and gametes
45. Which of the following pair is characterised by swollen lip , thick pigmented skin of hands and legs and
irritibility ?
a) Thiamine -- Beri beri b) Protein -- Kwashiorkor c) Nicotinamide -- Pellagra
d) Iodine -- Goitre
46. Who discovered that organogenesis or morphogenesis in tissue culture is controlled by auxins and
cytokinins ?
a) Steward (1963 ) b) Skoog and Miller ( 1957 ) c) Halperin and Wetherell ( 1964 )
d) Guha and Maheshwari ( 1964 )
47. Which of the following are uricotelic animals ?
a) Rohu , Frog b) camel , Frog c) Lizard , Crow d) Eagles , Earthworm
48. Sharpey's perforating fibres are related with :
a) heart contraction b) muscle relaxation c) fixing of teeth d) none of these
49. Wharton's duct is the duct of :
a) parotid gland b) Submandibular salivary gland c) submaxillary gland d) pancreatic gland
50. In Entamoeba histolytica the presence of chromatid bodies is characteristic of :
a) precystic stage b) trophozoic stage c) mature binucleate stage d) both a and b
51. The cranial capacity was largest among the :
a) Peking man b) African man c) Java ape man d) Neanderthal man
52. The phagocytes was first of all seen by :
a) Huxley b) Haeckel c) Matchnikoff d) Darwin
53. Which of the following gives Fehling's test ?
a) Pectin b) Sucrose c) Cellulose d) Glucose
54. The nicotinamide is synthesized in our body from :
a) tryptophan b) tryosine c)valine d) alanine
55. Curdling of milk in small intestine takes place due to :
a) renin b) trypsin c) chymotrypsin d) ptylase
56. Lysis of foreign cell is mediated through :
a) IgM b) IgA c) IgE d) IgM and IgG
57. Cyclosporine is used :
a) for allergy b) as immunodepressent c) prophylactic for virus d) none of the above
58. Hydra receives impulses and stimuli through :
a) Nerve cells b) sensory cells c) neuron cells d) nematocysts
59. Ploidy of ovum of Angiosperms is :
a) haploid b) diploid c) triploid d) polyploid
60. What is left , when bath sponges dries up ?
a) Spicules b) Hold fast c) Spongin fibres d) Tentacles
61.The crystal of lead zirconate is a key component of :
a) electroencephalography b) electrocardiography c) magntiencephalography d) sonography
62. July 11 is observed as :
a) World population day b) No Tobacoo Day c) World Environment day d) World Health day
63. Which one of the following is a sesmoid bone ?
a) Pelvis b) Patella c) Pterygold d) Pectoral girdle
64. Both corpus luteum and macula lutea are :
a) found in human ovaries b) a source of hormones c) Characterised by a yellow colour
d) contributory in maintaining pregnancy
65. Just as Xenopsylla is to Yersenia petis , so is :
a) Glossina palpalis to Wuchereria bancrofti b) culex to Plasmodium falciparum
c) Homo sapiens to taenia solium d) Phelbotomous to Leishmania donovani
66. Excessive stimulation of vagus nerve in humans may lead to :
a) hoarse voice b) peptic ulcers c) efficient digestion of proteins d) irregular contraction of
67. Restriction enzymes :
a) are endonucleases which cleave DNA at specific sites
b) make DNA complementary to an existing DNA and RNA
c) cut or join DNA fragments
d) are required in vectorless direct gene transfer
68. The early stage of human embryo distinctly possesses :
a) gills b) gill slits c) external ear (pinna ) d) eyebrows
69. The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that lasts for 7 -8 days is :
a) follicular phase b) ovulatory phase c) luteal phase d) menstruation
70. The source of somatostatin is same as that of :
a) thyroxine and calcitonoin b) insulin and glucagon c) somatotropin and prolactin
d) vasopressin and oxytocin
71. Hill reaction occur in :
a) high altitude plants b) total darkness c) absence of water d) presence of ferricyanide
72. Viroids have :
a) single stranded RNA not enclosed by protein coat
b) single stranded DNA not enclosed by protein coat
c) double stranded DNA enclosed by protein coat
d) double stranded RNA enclosed by protein coat
73. Pollen grains are able to withstand extremes of temperature and dessication because their exine is
composed of :
a) cutin b) suberin c) sporopolenin d) callose
74. People recovering from long illness are often advised to include the alga Spirulina in their diet because
it :
a) makes the food easy to digest b) is rich in proteins c) has antibiotic properties
d) restores the intestinal microflora
75. Plasmodesmata connections help in :
a) cytoplasmic streaming b) synchronous mitotic divisions c) locomotion of unicellular organisms
d) movement of substances between cells
76. Azolla is used as a biofertilizer because it :
a) multiplies very fast to produce massive biomass b) has association of nitrozen-fixing Rhizobium
c) has association of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria d) has association of mycorrhiza
77. The plant part which consists of two gnerations one within the other is :
a) germinated pollen grain b) embryo c) unfertilized ovule d) seed
78. A baby has been born with a small tail . It is the case exhibiting :
a) retrogressive evolution b) mutation c) atavism d) metamorphosis
79. Electron beam therapy is a kind of radiation therapy to treat :
a) enlarged prostate gland b) gall bladder stones by breaking them d) kidney stones
80. Which of the following is a pair of endangered species ?
a) Garden Lizard and Mexican poppy b) Rhesus monkey and Sal tree
c) Indian peacock and Carrot grass d) Hornbill and Indian aconite
81. Which one of feature is common to leech , cockroach and scorpion ?
a) Nephridia b) Ventral nerve cord c) Cephalization d) Antennae
82. Which one of the following is a matching pair of a drug and its category ?
a) Amphetamines -- stimulant b) Lysergic acid dimethyl amide --- nacrotic
c) Heroin -- psychotropic d) Benzodiazepam --- pain killer
83. If the Bengal tiger becomes extinct :
a) hyenas and wolves will become scars b) the wild areas will be safe for man and domestic
animals c) its gene pool will be lost for ever d) the populations of beautiful animals like
deers will get stabilized
84. The pollen tube usually enters the embryo sac :
a) between the egg cell and synergid b) by directly penetrating the egg
c) between one synergid and antipodal cell d) by knocking off the antipodal cells
85. What is the first step in the Southern blot technique ?
a) Denaturation of DNA on the gel for hybridization with specific probe
b) Production of a group of genetically identical cells
c) Digestion of DNA by restriction enzyme
d) Denaturation of DNS from a nucleated cell such as the one from the scene of crime
86. Women who consumed the drug thalidomide for relief from vomiting during early months of
pregnancy gave birth to children with :
a) no spleen b) hare -lip c) extra fingers and toes d) under development limbs
87. Pruning of plants promotes branching because the axillary buds get sensitized to :
a) ethylene b) gibberellin c) cytokinin d) indole acetic acid
88. The sugarcane plant has :
a) dumb-bell shaped guard cell b) pentamerous flowers c) reticulate venation d) capsular fruits
89. In aplant organ which is covered by periderm and in which the stomata are absent , some gaseous
exchange still take place through :
a) paerenchyma b) trichomes c) pneumatophores d) lenticels
90. Somaclonal variation can be obtained by :
a) application of colchicine b) irradation with gamma rays c) tissue culture d) hybridisation
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