• Tips To Study Chemistry Medical Entrance Examination

    Strategy To Study Chemistry
     Many students will say , Chemistry is easiest subject !
     Many students will say , Chemistry is really  hard !
    But in reality study of Chemistry is simply fun , if anybody study Chemistry right way .

    Generally many students leave Chemistry till the end of the session and later on they struggle with this subject. But if any one when study Chemistry with right approach can score very good marks in the exam.

    Some valuable tips to score great marks in Chemistry part :

    • Try to understand the basic concept ( hidden concept also ) of each topics as well as chapter
    • Practice to apply these concepts during examination and understand them clearly
    • Audio video explanation is very helpful to understand the concept of Chemistry
    • Regular practice of  concept based question is must . Always try to make notes while you study the concept of Chemistry , it will help you during  last moment preparation
    • Try to learn all the formulae and with that make a note of all those formulae for proper application when it is required
    • Revise  class IX and X books to make your basic level concept clear
    • Try to learn periodic table and apply it daily basis while solving the problems .
    In any entrance question paper basis of one third questions are numericals and rest of the questions are either conceptual and general question . Chemistry questions are plotted from three divisions of Chemistry viz,
    Physical Chemistry ( Numericals are asked from this section ) , Inorganic Chemistry ( Periodic Table , Chemical Bonding , Metallurgy etc ) , Organic Chemistry ( reaction based , mechanism , conversion etc)
    are asked from all these 3 segments of Chemistry .


           Organic Chemistry is scoring section as well as interesting also , lot of attention is required to develop a clear cut conception about various topics related with this part. First two chapters of class XI  i.e, basic concepts of organic chemistry and Hydrocarbon are the basic ,once you become confident about this two chapters by practicing you can become an expert of Organic Chemistry . For scoring in Chemistry organic chemistry is really scoring topic for this one must have the concept clarity and positive attitude towards the understanding .

    •  You must practice step up and step down process to do the organic conversion
    • You must practice regularly mcq to make your preparation full proof
    • you must see electrophilic and nucleoflic reaction properly
    • You must remember various organic reagents name for distinction test as well as various types of Name reaction
    • You must have a clear concept about the shapes of molecules
    • Try to practice IUPAC names as much as possible ( i.e normal and bond line )

                Quite a number of student finds lot of trouble with inorganic chemistry as because it is related with so many reactions as well as structures , preparation process . Apart from that bond length , ionisation enthalpy , bond dissociation energy , periodic trends , ionisation potensials etc are very much time consuming topics .
    One must follow to over come this sort of problem with inorganic chemistry are mainly 
    • Need lot of practice to get clear cut concept of the topics of chemical bonding , periodic table , atomic structure , s-block , p- block elements .
    • Try to learn maximum number of chemical reaction with necessary condition and technique to balance the chemical reaction 
    • Try to develop skills to memorize or use chit sheet to remember periodic table as because periodic table is must for inorganic chemistry . Without knowing periodic table you cannot answer so many questions.
    • You must remember principles ores and minerals of metallic elements , for this you can start practicing from class 10 on wards .


       This part of chemistry is is bit tough for quite a number of students as because most of numerical 
    problem asked from this segment . If any one wants to be master of this segment , then he/ she must all the formulae related with chapter namely Chemical kinetics , Thermodynamics , Equilibrium , Solution,
    Electrochemistry etc .
    • You must practice regularly all the formulae to make your preparation up-to date
    • Try to find out about the usp of the question , then break it accordingly to complete the problem
    • Make habit to practice harder group question at least 10 everyday  , this will help you to to remember the necessary formulae
    • Take Mock test based on numerical regularly to perform your best in the examination   

    • Initially read the Chemistry part of the question paper twice with utmost care
    • If you find one or two question is concept based and you are unable to recall then leave it for sometime , keep yourself calm and cool later on you will find the solution 
    • Initially you should try to attempt those questions only , which is straight forward and you answer that by closing your eyes
    • Before marking to OMR sheet you must check it properly the correct answer
    • You may find one question with two answer with similarity then keep your cool and think twice about the real concept of that particular question and then attempt the correct answer

     According to toppers practice more and more MCQ questions and take more and more Mock Test to prepare three segments of chemistry. Best way what I suggest initially you start your preparation with NCERT Chemistry Book for Class XI and XII . You must feel comfortable with the concept of NCERT Chemistry then you can practice MCQ from other books and can take Mock test regular basis until you think that your preparation is up-to the mark.
                                  BEST OF LUCK 

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