1. Which of the following is known as pond silk :
a) Spirogyra b) Ulothrix c) Nostoc d) Anabaena
2. Which of the following is incorrectly matched ?
a) rabbit -- microlecithal , isolecithal b) Frog -- mesolecithal , centrolecithal
c) Human -- mesolecithal , centrolecithal d) Birds -- macrolecithal , telolecithal
3. The pesticide most persistent in the soil is :
a) DDT b) BHC c) Dieldrin d) Baygon
4. An antibody is a :
a) white corpuscle which attack invading baecteria
b) molecule that specifically inactivate an antigen
c) component of the blood
d) secretion of mammalian erythrocyte
5. ECG is a measure of :
a) rate of heart beat b) difference in electric potential c) volume of blood pumped
d) ventricular contraction
6. Vitreous humor is :
a) colloid b) watery fluid c) mucoid connective tissue d) all of the above
7. In rspiration largest amount of energy is produced in :
a) anaerobic respiration b) Kreb's cycle c) glycosis d) none of these
8. Torpedo is commonly known as :
a) suckerfish b) electric ray c) globefish d) sea horse
9. Foramen of Panizzae is found in the heart of :
a) rabbit b) pigeon c) crocodile d) frog
10. Which one of the following pesticides is banned nowadays ?
a) DDT b) Eldrin c) Aldrin d) Toxaphene
11. Carnassial teeth are modified for :
a) crushing b) tearing c) grinding d) cutting
12. In the anther wall :
a) tapeworm lies between endothecium and middle layer
b) tapeworm lies just inner to endothecium
c) middle layer is the between endothecium and tapeworm
d) endothecium lies to middle layer
13. Insectivorous plants grow in a soil :
a) deficient in iron b) rich in nitrogen c) deficient in nitrogen d) deficient in calcium
14. Aleurone grains are rich in :
a) fat b) protein c) carbohydrate d) auxins
15. Meiosis can be obseved in :
a) tapetal cells b) megaspores c) microspores d) spore mother cells
16.Which of the following is not an intermediate in Kreb's cycle ?
a) Acetic acid b) Succinyl coenzyme - A c) Maleic acid d) Citric acid
17. The possible beneficial aspect of grazing animals is the :
a) removel of wild animals and pests b) eradication of weeds c) removal of wild plants
d) addition of their excreta into the soil
18. Carrier proteins are involved in :
a) transport of enzymes b) water transport c) active transport of ions d) passive transport of ions
19. McClintok is related to :
a) plasmids b) retroposons c) transposons d) none of the above
20. Chloroplasts of Spirogyra have :
a) piral margin b) smooth or waxy margin c) smooth margin d) none of the above
21. Vascular bundles in which pholem is found on the both sides of xylem are called :
a) collateral b) bicollateral c) radial d) amphicribral
22. Areenchyma is helpful in plants by :
a) providing buoyancy in hydrophytes b) absorption in stilt roots c) giving mechanical strength to
plants d) giving flexibility to plants
23. Who proposed the Cohesion theory of ascent of sap ?
a) Strsburger b) Godlewski c) Western d) Dixon and Jolly
24. A child has single kidney since birth. This variation is :
a) hybridisation b) negative meristic c) blastogenic d) substantive
25.Why is CO poisonous for man ?
a) CO affects the nerves of the lungs b) CO affects the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
c) CO reacts with oxygen reducing percentage of O2 in air
d) haemoglobin cmbines with CO instead O2 and the product cannot dissociate
26. Duct of Bellini opens on :
a) ureter b) renal papilla c) duodenum d) DCT
27. Humus is essential for plant growth because :
a) it is rich in nutrients and increases the water holding capacity of soil
b) it increases aeration of soil c) it increases porocity of soil d) all of the above
28.Which of the following is viviparous ?
a) Running birds b) Whales c) Bats d) Both b and c.
29. In short horned cattle , genes for red (R) and white (r) coat colour occur. Cross between red ( R R )
and white ( r r ) produced (R r ) roan. This is an example of :
a) incomplete dominance b) codominance c) Complementary genes d) epistasis
30. Complex tissue includes :
a) collenchyma b) apical meristems c) conducting tissues d) idioblast
31. Turpentine oil is obtained from :
a) Pinus longifolia b) Melia azadirachta c) Eucalyptus d) All of the above
32. The sclerenchyma of the hypodermis in the pinus needle helps in :
a) increasing the absorptive surface of the cell b) checking transpiration c) mechanical support
d) photosynthesis
33. Sponges are :
a) pelagic b) free swimming c) planktonic d) sessile
34. Schistosoma is a parasite found in :
a) testes of frog b) liver c) intestine d) blood
35. The recent model for plasma membrane proposed by Singer and Nicolson is :
a) molecular lipid model b) lamellar model c) unit membrane model d) fluid mosaic model
36. Cells obtained from cancerous tumors are known as :
a) hybridomas b) myelomas c) polyclonal cels d) monoclonal cells
37. Significance of meiosis lies in :
a) reduction of chromosomes number to one half b) maintaining consistancy of chromosome
number during sexual reproduction c) production of genetic variability d) all of these
38. Which is the connecting link between glycolysis and Kreb's cycle ?
a) Acetyl Co -A b)pyruvic acid c) both a and b d) none of these
39. The relationship between the alga Microcystis and the surrounding fauna corresponds to :
a) ammensalism b) parasitism c) predation d) exploitation
40. Lipofucsin granules are found in :
a) nerve cells b) cardiac muscle c) red muscle d) cartilage
41. Camel in its hump stores :
a) water for emergency b) fat for emergency c) both fat and water for emergency
d) fat and proteins as reserve food for emergency
42. Arrangement of three successive base in the genetic code signifies :
a) proteins b) nucleic acid c) plasmids d) amino acids
43. Potato is a native of :
a) Brazil b) Peru c) Panama d) Mexico
44. The anthers in Solanaceae are :
a) monothecus , introse b) dithecus , extrose c) dithecus , introse d) monothecus , extrose
45.Pneumatophores are positiively :
a) geotropic b) phototropic c) aerotropic d) rheotropic
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